President-elect Donald Trump is a self-serving, corrupt sore-winner who continues to threaten retribution against his opponents and perceived enemies. And he’s spent weeks now trying to load the Department of Justice and FBI with subservient sycophants whom he confidently trusts will carry out his sociopathic and perhaps illegal orders to punish those whose only crime has been to go against the King. This isn’t a cabinet he’s filling, but rather a mob of undyingly-loyal capos.
Now let’s turn to President Joe Biden. He is nobody’s fool. He’s spent 50 years in politics and knows how the game is played better than anyone. And like the rest of us, he’s watched Trump piss and shit all over the Constitution and the rule of law. He’s watched Trump commit crimes. He’s watched Trump get indicted four times in multiple jurisdictions on almost 90 felony counts. He’s watched Trump become a convicted-felon. He’s watched Teflon Don beat it all, only to be sent back to the Oval Office instead of a square cell. He’s watched all the “I’m your retribution” threats. And he’s watched Trump and his thugs yammer for years about the “Biden Crime Family.”
So of course Biden should’ve pardoned his son Hunter, who was convicted on tax and gun-related charges this year. Why the fuck would he leave the fate of his own son to this sadistic, revenge-obsessed incoming administration?
Especially since Trump himself is no stranger to controversial pardons. In his first term he granted clemency to blatantly corrupt cronies like his guru Steve Bannon, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former national security adviser Mike Flynn, and longtime confidant and cohort Roger Stone.
And this week he picked his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s father, Charles, a convicted-felon who he pardoned in 2020, to serve as U.S. Ambassador to France. Additionally, as I write this piece, Trump has named the fresh-out-of-prison former aide Peter Navarro as his Special Counsel for Trade and Manufacturing. He continues to brazenly nominate the most vile, unqualified people for critical cabinet positions.
But the real issue here...the real concern…the thing that’s been making my fucking head explode this week…is not only the mega-hypocritical ‘Trump good, Biden bad’ reaction from Republicans, which certainly is infuriating, but more so how the media is yet again perpetrating outrageous both-sidesing and double-standards.
The media is helping shape a false narrative that Trump will now do ‘bad things’ because of the Biden pardon, rather than the actual narrative that Biden’s pardon is a preemptive, protective move because of Trump’s existing bad behavior. This critical distinction seems to be lost on the 4th Estate.
Even worse, there’s been wall-to-wall coverage of the Biden pardon with endless misguided and delusional yammering about how it will ‘give license’ to Trump…how it will ‘provide cover’ to Trump…to do the unthinkable, like his promise to pardon January 6 rioters.
But let’s be crystal clear: Donald J. Trump doesn’t need an excuse or a rationale or permission from Biden or anyone else to do truly horrible things. Has the media learned nothing about Trump these past nine years? It’s apparently failed to understand and appreciate that Trump does whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants, about whatever the fuck he wants…and doesn’t care whether anyone else has done it before…or not. Nor does he care whether his actions shatter norms and boundaries while destroying the 249-year-old institutions they belong to.
To be sure, Trump gives two solid fucks about what anyone else does. And come January 21 we will begin to see him carry out his draconian policies, we’ll see him trample on the Constitution, and we’ll see him pardon the worst of humanity…no matter what Biden did or didn’t do.
Thank you so much, Rita! For reading and for your support!
I just upgraded to paid. The meltdown over President Biden pardoning Hunter was too much. The media has been sane washing Trump for years. There is a disconnect between reality and fiction with them. But what was the final straw was some Democrats criticizing President Biden along with most Never Trumpers - Tom Nichols, Charlie Sykes, the Bulwark, et cetera. Abusive men always blame the woman for their abuse. "If you hadn't done/said so and so, I wouldn't have hit you." "You made me do it!' Hitler effectively blamed the Jews for his atrocities. And yet here we are in December 2024 saying President Biden pardoning his son will be responsible for whatever Trump does. For what it's worth legal experts like Joyce Vance said Hunter would never have been charged if he wasn't Biden's son. So thank you, Andy, for expressing what most of us believe.